Kyle's Kove

A personal website to showcase some projects and online demos that I've worked on and created.


See some of the projects that I have worked on. Some of these are part of my college curriculum, and some of these are personal or extracurricular projects.

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Qi Wireless Charger

Mounted wireless charging PCB

A wireless charging system which utilizes WPC Qi compliant ICs to charge small unmanned ground vehicles.

2-Axis Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm with computer vision demonstration

A 3D printed robotic arm (SCARA) with a pen attachment which attempts to replicate images using OpenCV.


A Linux shell interpreting a few commands.

A simple, barebones Linux shell which supports input/output redirection and background processes.


Here are a few online demonstrations that I have created. Many of these are related to topics that I've learned about in various classes.

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LZW Compression

LZW Compression

An LZW compression algorithm visualization.

Adaptive Huffman Coding

Adaptive Huffman Tree Example

An adaptive Huffman coding visualization.

About Me

I'm Kyle Noble. I graduated Oregon State University in June 2021 with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a minor in Computer Science. I enjoy problem solving, challenging myself, and learning.

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